When you meet one startup through another startup
… and end up working with both! This is exactely how it happened with SBI-Stockner Business Intelligence and Solved.
We started working with Solved a while ago but we initiated the project ‘Digital operation and maintenance software for renewable energy plants’ beginning of 2019 for the Green Power GmbH. Within this project we asked international experts from the Solved network that are listed on their platform to find us an innovative operational management & maintenance software in the sense of a platform solution (digital plant book). Mobile use at the hydro, solar and wind power plants must be possible.
So far so good! After only four weeks we were provided with multiple solutions and assessment of these solutions. One of the solutions comes from a company ‘SBI- Stockner Business Intelligence GmbH’. Funny thing was, that they are like 2km away from us…
We also used a different channel to find the perfect solution for this software and that was a startup call that we did. Read here what we’ve been looking for in detail-> https://next-incubator.com/en/calls/digitalisierte-betriebsfuehrung/
We already had a few applications that were highly interesting and we asked SBI to apply also to be able to compare them to the others and to be fair and transparent. They did apply and we invited the 5 most promising solutions to a Bootcamp we did in Graz. Every startup or company that is chosen gets the chance to present their solution in front of an internal Jury and in front of the other participants. This is quite cool because they get to see what else is on the market.

Really interesting is what happens next. Each startup was asked to explain how they would do an actual pilot & a first explanation of the use case. This of course was only in front of the jury because of confidentiality. Totally worth listening to all of them. And the decision was no easy job for the jury.
Snapshots of the Bootcamp-> https://next-incubator.com/en/events-2019/bootcamp-digitized-operational-management-mai-2019/

But in the end SBI was ranked number one and the Green Power GmbH started with the definition and operational implementation in june 2019. Happy to have you on board J
Patrick Landerl